Frequently Asked Questions.


How do I know if I need therapy?

Many people seek therapy for a variety of reasons, including feeling overwhelmed, experiencing intense emotions, facing life transitions, or dealing with relationship issues. If you find that your feelings and experiences are impacting your daily life, relationships, or overall well-being, therapy can provide support and strategies to navigate these challenges. Remember, seeking therapy is a step towards taking care of your mental health, and everyone can benefit from it at different points in their life.

What can I expect in my first session?

The first session is primarily about getting to know each other and setting the foundation for our work together. You can expect to discuss what brought you to therapy, your goals, and any specific concerns you'd like to address. It's also an opportunity for you to ask questions and assess how comfortable you feel working with me. This session is crucial for building rapport and establishing a safe, supportive environment for your therapeutic journey.

How long does therapy typically last?

The duration of therapy varies greatly depending on individual needs, goals, and the nature of the issues being addressed. Some people find short-term therapy (a few sessions) beneficial for specific concerns, while others may engage in longer-term therapy to explore deeper issues or ongoing support. We will regularly discuss your progress and adjust the therapy plan as needed to ensure it meets your needs.

Is everything I say in therapy confidential?

Yes, confidentiality is a cornerstone of therapy. What you share in session stays between us, with a few exceptions mandated by law, such as if there's an imminent risk of harm to yourself or others, or in cases of abuse or neglect. These exceptions will be explained in detail in our first session, ensuring you understand the boundaries of confidentiality.

How often do I need to attend therapy sessions?

Typically, sessions are held once a week, especially at the beginning of therapy. This frequency helps build momentum and allows us to delve into your concerns in a consistent, supportive manner. Over time, we may decide together to adjust the frequency of sessions based on your progress, needs, and goals.

Can I afford therapy?

We understand that cost is an important consideration. We offer various payment options, including insurance coverage, sliding scale fees based on income, and payment plans. During our initial consultation, we'll discuss your financial situation and find a solution that ensures you receive the support you need.

What if I don't feel like my therapist is a good fit?

It's crucial that you feel comfortable and connected with your therapist, as a strong therapeutic relationship is key to effective therapy. If you have concerns about our fit, I encourage you to bring them up in session. We can discuss what's not working for you and consider adjustments. If necessary, I can also provide referrals to other therapists who might be a better match for your needs.

Let us help you find care that's right for you.